
All about Mexico

Mexico Facts | Tabasco | Nacajuca


The municipality of Nacajuca is located in the Mexican state of Tabasco. Nacajuca is populated by 86105 inhabitants.

About 61.14 percent of the population in Nacajuca are adults older than 18 years. People visit the schools 8 years, but the quote of analphabets is still around 8.2 percent, equal to 7049 individuals.

21343 inhabitants are indigenous people and 13809 individuals older than 5 years speak an indigenous language.

Nacajuca Localities

Largest cities in Nacajuca

Arroyo - Population: 1005

Banderas (Guatacalca 2a. Sección) - Population: 1081

Bosque de Saloya - Population: 8333

Brisas del Carrizal - Population: 1779

Corriente 1a. Sección - Population: 1366

El Cedro - Population: 2640

El Guásimo - Population: 1263

El Tigre - Population: 1902

Guatacalca - Population: 3138

Guaytalpa - Population: 2316

Jiménez - Population: 1596

La Selva - Population: 6723

Libertad - Population: 3628

Lomitas - Population: 3951

Mazateupa - Population: 1995

Nacajuca - Population: 9410

Olcuatitán - Population: 1577

Oxiacaque - Population: 1566

Saloya 1a. Sección - Population: 2062

Saloya 2a. Sección - Population: 1871

Samarkanda - Population: 1745

San Isidro 1a. Sección - Population: 1098

San Simón - Population: 1056

Sandial - Population: 2511

Tapotzingo - Population: 2535

Taxco - Population: 1683

Tecoluta 1a. Sección - Population: 1018

Tecoluta 2a. Sección - Population: 1517

Tucta - Population: 1790

Map with the largest cities in the municipality of Nacajuca