
All about Mexico

Mexico Facts | Sonora | Navojoa


The municipality of Navojoa is located in the Mexican state of Sonora. Navojoa is populated by 144598 inhabitants.

About 62.79 percent of the population in Navojoa are adults older than 18 years. People visit the schools 9 years, but the quote of analphabets is still around 3.5 percent, equal to 5123 individuals.

16073 inhabitants are indigenous people and 6181 individuals older than 5 years speak an indigenous language.

Navojoa Localities

Largest cities in Navojoa

Bacabachi - Population: 1267

El Saneal - Population: 1103

Guadalupe de Juárez - Population: 1404

Guaymitas - Population: 1283

Los Bahuises - Population: 1242

Los Buayums - Population: 1180

Masiaca - Population: 1466

Navojoa - Population: 103312

Pueblo Mayo - Population: 2516

Rosales - Population: 1118

Santa María del Buaraje - Population: 1048

Map with the largest cities in the municipality of Navojoa