
All about Mexico

Mexico Facts | México | Jiquipilco


The municipality of Jiquipilco is located in the Mexican state of México. Jiquipilco is populated by 59969 inhabitants.

About 55.13 percent of the population in Jiquipilco are adults older than 18 years. People visit the schools 6 years, but the quote of analphabets is still around 9.4 percent, equal to 5610 individuals.

12415 inhabitants are indigenous people and 4823 individuals older than 5 years speak an indigenous language.

Jiquipilco Localities

Largest cities in Jiquipilco

Buenos Aires - Population: 1612

Jiquipilco - Population: 1880

Manzana Cuarta de Santa Cruz Tepexpan - Population: 3722

Manzana Quinta (La Cañada) - Population: 2100

Manzana Segunda - Population: 1083

Manzana Segunda de Santa Cruz Tepexpan - Population: 1205

Manzana Sexta Parte Alta - Population: 1430

Manzana Sexta Parte Baja - Population: 1418

Manzana Sexta Parte Centro - Population: 1001

Manzana Tercera de Santa Cruz Tepexpan - Population: 3126

Portezuelo - Population: 1062

Primera Manzana de Santa Cruz Tepexpan - Population: 1347

Rancho Loma de Malacota - Population: 2396

San Bartolo Oxtotitlán - Population: 3620

San Felipe Santiago - Population: 2732

San José del Sitio - Population: 1189

San Miguel Yuxtepec - Population: 1393

Santa María Nativitas - Population: 1572

Map with the largest cities in the municipality of Jiquipilco