
All about Mexico

Mexico Facts | México | Ixtlahuaca


The municipality of Ixtlahuaca is located in the Mexican state of México. Ixtlahuaca is populated by 126505 inhabitants.

About 56.96 percent of the population in Ixtlahuaca are adults older than 18 years. People visit the schools 7 years, but the quote of analphabets is still around 8.4 percent, equal to 10665 individuals.

50209 inhabitants are indigenous people and 18682 individuals older than 5 years speak an indigenous language.

Ixtlahuaca Localities

Largest cities in Ixtlahuaca

Barrio de San Pedro la Cabecera - Population: 2468

Barrio San Joaquín el Junco - Population: 2461

Barrio San Joaquín la Cabecera - Population: 2142

Colonia San Francisco de Asís - Population: 1461

Ejido San Lorenzo Toxico Manzana Octava - Population: 1617

Ejido San Lorenzo Toxico Manzana Séptima - Population: 1502

Ejido San Lorenzo Toxico Manzana Sexta - Population: 1138

Emiliano Zapata (Santo Domingo) - Population: 6367

Guadalupe Cachi - Population: 3469

Ixtlahuaca de Rayón - Population: 7114

Jalpa de los Baños - Population: 2520

La Concepción Enyege - Population: 1567

La Concepción los Baños - Population: 6498

San Andrés del Pedregal - Population: 1818

San Antonio Bonixi - Population: 2560

San Bartolo del Llano - Population: 11421

San Cristóbal los Baños - Population: 4099

San Francisco de Guzmán - Population: 1375

San Ildefonso - Population: 3564

San Isidro Boxipe - Population: 2155

San Jerónimo Ixtapantongo - Population: 3161

San Juan de las Manzanas - Population: 3128

San Lorenzo Toxico - Population: 3072

San Mateo Ixtlahuaca - Population: 2045

San Miguel Enyege - Population: 2166

San Pablo de los Remedios - Population: 1196

San Pedro los Baños - Population: 10768

Santa Ana Ixtlahuaca (Sta. Ana Ixtlahuacingo) - Population: 4189

Santa Ana la Ladera - Population: 2974

Santa María del Llano - Population: 3816

Santo Domingo de Guzmán - Population: 7378

Map with the largest cities in the municipality of Ixtlahuaca