Donato Guerra

All about Mexico

Mexico Facts | México | Donato Guerra

Donato Guerra

The municipality of Donato Guerra is located in the Mexican state of México. Donato Guerra is populated by 29621 inhabitants.

About 49.5 percent of the population in Donato Guerra are adults older than 18 years. People visit the schools 5 years, but the quote of analphabets is still around 12.7 percent, equal to 3775 individuals.

8659 inhabitants are indigenous people and 6088 individuals older than 5 years speak an indigenous language.

Donato Guerra Localities

Largest cities in Donato Guerra

Barrio de Arriba de San Juan Xoconusco - Population: 1068

Cabecera de Indígenas Primer Cuartel - Population: 1862

Cabecera de Indígenas Segundo Cuartel - Population: 1627

San Agustín de las Palmas (San Agustín) - Population: 2889

San Antonio de la Laguna - Population: 1667

San Francisco Mihualtepec - Population: 2211

San Juan Xoconusco - Population: 2662

San Lucas Texcaltitlán - Population: 1331

San Martín Obispo (San Martín San Pedro) - Population: 1234

San Miguel Xooltepec - Population: 1555

San Simón de la Laguna - Population: 4329

Santiago Huitlapaltepec - Population: 1729

Map with the largest cities in the municipality of Donato Guerra